Henry Purcell, Leonhardt-Consort / Consort-Musik Für Streicher Und Cembalo = Consort Music For Strings And Harpsichord, LP

Henry Purcell, Leonhardt-Consort / Consort-Musik Für Streicher Und Cembalo = Consort Music For Strings And Harpsichord, LP

  • 399.00TL
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197? Telefunken, Almanya baskı.

Kapak: (9/10) mükemmel. 

Plaklar: (9/10) mükemmel. 

A1 Overture In d, Z 771 ∙ 2 Violinen Und Continuo 3:35
A2 Pavan In B, Z 750 ∙ 2 Violinen Und Gambe 3:10
A3 Ground In d, Z D 222 ∙ „Crown The Altar" Aus „Celebrate The Festival", Cembalo 1:56
Overture (Mit Suite) In G, Z 770 ∙ 2 Violinen, Viola Und Continuo
4 Overture ∙ Air ∙ Bourée ∙ Menuett ∙ Air ∙ Jigg 7:27
A5 Pavan In a, Z 749 ∙ 2 Violinen Und Gambe 3:38
A6 Fantasia (Chaconne): Three Parts On A Ground In D, Z 731 ∙ 3 Violinen Und Continuo 4:38
B1 Overture In g, Z 772 ∙ 2 Violinen, 2 Violen Und Continuo 3:28
Suite In D, Z 667 ∙ Cembalo
B2 Prelude ∙ Almand ∙ Hornpipe 4:30
B3 Pavan Of Four Parts In g, Z 752 ∙ 3 Violinen Und Gambe 4:35
B4 Sefauchi's Farewell In d, Cembalo 1:10
B5 A New Ground In e, Z T 682 „Here The Deities Approve" Aus „Welcome To All The Pleasures" ∙ Cembalo 2:33
B6 Sonata In a, Z 804 ∙ (1697, III) ∙ 2 Violinen Und Continuo 6:01